In my code, I have an import statement as following:
import '../theme/src/fonts/dist/_icons.scss'
What I want to realize is, I don't want to import this file when in building state, which means in build phase I want to ignore this statement. So I use webpack.ignoreplugin
, and my setting is as below:
plugins: [
new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\.\/theme\/src\/fonts\/dist\/_icons\.scss/, /binder$/),
Well, in my built out files the icons.scss
is not imported, which means it's being ignored. But when I open the built out files it has following error:
throw new Error("Cannot find module \"../theme/src/fonts/dist/_icons.scss\"")
So anything wrong in my using webpack.ignorePlugin
I generate an empty scss file, then I use an alias, '../theme/src/fonts/dist/_icons.scss': emptyScssfilepath
, so the build will use this empty scss file instead.