I am trying to generate a pie chart using a maria mysql database, and I'm currently using for C#. I have searched a few examples but have not found a clear one. Currently my issue is when i run my program it show me only one information (Operations_Dept with 124000 in charttArea)
My table
my image from my programme
my code
public void LoadChart()
string allTables = " SELECT sum(Operations_Dept), sum(Operations_Cridet) FROM table_operations";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(allTables, ClassConn.MyConnection());
MySqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
this.chrt_ventes.Series["columns"].Points.AddXY( rdr[0], rdr[1]);
catch (MySqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
The behavior is totally expected. You have one row and add one data point. I guess you want to add two of them.
while (rdr.Read())
this.chrt_ventes.Series["columns"].Points.AddXY( "Dept" , rdr[0]);
this.chrt_ventes.Series["columns"].Points.AddXY( "Cred" , rdr[1]);
Mind: This is untested; I have no idea what your charting lib is and how its API works. I just inferred this works from the result you are getting from that code.