I am creating a web app in which I am using telerik components, I want to Enable/Disable the combobox from Javascript but the problem is my combobox is created during pageload, and I am not able to use the following code which I Get From telerik Q/A
var category = $find("<%= combo1.ClientID %>");
what is the possible way to enable disable components of telerik asp.net from javascript?
You can find different ways to obtain reference to the Telerik client-side object in this documentation article: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/general-information/get-client-side-reference.
You can also use the OnClientLoad client event of combobox to get reference to its client object:
function OnClientLoadHandler(sender) {
var combo;
<telerik:RadComboBox RenderMode="Lightweight"
OnClientLoad="OnClientLoadHandler" .../>