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Travis CI doesn't deploy to Azure from GitHub the war file correctly

My problem is that the packaged war file is not deployed from GitHub to Azure using Travis-CI correctly - the entire repository with the generated files are just copy-pasted. Here is what I do:

My approach:

I follow the Travis tutorial about Azure web app deployment and try to achieve the same in the minimal form. My goal is to assemble a war file and deploy it to Azure web app with Tomcat 8.0 container.

My project has the following .travis.yml configuration (I have omitted Java-8 definition, Sonar add-ons, and Coveralls after_success script for the sake of brevity):

   - mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent package sonar:sonar

   provider: azure_web_apps
   skip_cleanup: true


I follow the standard Maven directory structure. The output directory is the standard /target. Thus, on the Travis is generated into:


Where MY_USERNAME is the GitHub login name and MY_WEBAPP is the name of my application. The deployment looks fine at the first sight (I skipped similar lines):

Deploying application
[detached HEAD 9fd0ce7] Skip Cleanup Commit
54 files changed, 128 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 target/MY_WEBAPP-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
create mode 100644 target/MY_WEBAPP-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war.original
create mode 100644 target/MY_WEBAPP-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes/... <- Skipped 3 lines
create mode 100644 target/MY_WEBAPP-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/...     <- Skipped 20+ lines
... irrelevant ...                                                     <- Skipped 7 lines
Done. Your build exited with 0.

What is wrong and how it should be correct:

If I upload manually the war file via FTP(S) to the Azure directory /site/wwwroot/webapps, it's unpacked and deployed within a minute and works well.

Unlike the manual copy, Travis takes all the content and copy-paste it literally into the Azure webapp resulting in the mess like:

Azure directory structure

The war file hasn't been uploaded into the webapps folder. The newly created Azure webapp contains site/wwwroot/webapps/ROOT folder and is needed to upload the war file on the ROOT folder level. I have expected Travis would perform "smarter" behavior.


How to deploy to Azure from GitHub using Travis-CI correctly? I bet I miss something that isn't documented.

My workaround-attempts:

I have tried to fix the thing in several ways (none of them has worked). I consider all of them dirty:

  1. I tried to specify what to deploy in .travis.yml (no effect, everything is copied still):

    file_glob: true
    file: "/home/travis/build/MY_USERNAME/MY_WEBAPP/target/MY_WEBAPP*.war"
  2. An ugly bruteforce: Change the output directory from /target to /webapp resultin to override the destination folder in Azure upon deployment in the <build> section of 'pom.xml`:

  3. Rename the output folder to webapps in .travis.yml:

     - bash mv /home/travis/build/MY_USERNAME/MY_WEBAPP/target/ /home/travis/build/MY_USERNAME/MY_WEBAPP/webapps/

    /bin/mv: /bin/mv: cannot execute binary file


  • I have resolved the issue with uploading deployment scripts:




    @echo off
    echo Azure: Deploying site
    echo Azure: Removing the current war file
    del %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\webapps\MY_WEBAPP.war /S /Q
    echo Azure: Removing the current webapp folder
    rmdir %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\webapps\MY_WEBAPP /S /Q
    echo Azure: Copying war to the webapps folder
    xcopy %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\..\repository\target\MY_WEBAPP.war %DEPLOYMENT_TARGET%\webapps /Y /s