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Bound mismatch error using Generics for an object array

I have used the comparable interface before but using it with generic objects and a second object has been causing me some difficulties

Here is my driver program

import java.util.*;
public class Prog2 {
public static void main (String[]args){

    //Declare Variables 
        Scanner inFile = null;
        ListArray<Part> partArray = new ListArray<Part>(13);

    //Open the file
        try {
            inFile = new Scanner(new File("parts.txt"));
     //If the file is not found, end the program   
        catch(FileNotFoundException e){
            System.out.println("Error: File not found");
      //While the file has new text, read it in  
        //Read a line of code in    
            String temp = inFile.nextLine();
        //split the line into an array  
            String[] tempA = temp.split(",[ ]*");
        //place the specific info into variables    
            int pnum = Integer.parseInt(tempA[0]);
            String name = tempA[1];
            double price = Double.parseDouble(tempA[2]);
            String warN = tempA[3];
            int quant = Integer.parseInt(tempA[4]);
        //add the info into an object   
            partArray.add(new Part(pnum, name,price,warN,quant));                   



The class meant to be written like an Array list

public class ListArray <E extends Comparable>{

//Declare Variables 
    private E[] list;
    private int size;

//Construct Constructor 
    public ListArray(){
        list = (E[]) new Comparable[10];

    public ListArray(int capacity){
        list = (E[]) new Comparable[capacity];

/*This method will allow users to get the variable stored 
 * at the index they specify
 * @param: int index: the index of the wanted item
 * @return: E: the item at the speicifed index */
    public E get(int index){
        return list[index];

/*This method will allow users to add an element to the 
 * end of the list array 
 * @param: E item: the item being added to the array */
    public void add(E item){
        list[size] = item;

/*This mehod will allow the user to find a specified item 
 * inside of the array 
 * @param: E target: the item the user wants to know the index of 
 * @return: int: the index of the item found */
    public int find(E target){

        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

            if(target.compareTo(list[i]) == 0){
                return i;
        return -1;

/*This method will allow users to get the size of the array 
 * @return: int: the size of the array */
    public int size(){
        return size;

and the Part class that reads in from a csv file.

public class Part <E extends Comparable>{

    //Declare Variables 
        private int pnum;
        private String name;
        private double price;
        private String warh;
        private int quant;

    //Construct Constructor 
        public Part(){
            pnum = 0;
            name = "";
            price = 0.0;
            warh = "";
            quant = 0;

        public Part(int pnum, String name, double price, String warh, int quant){
            this.pnum = pnum;
   = name;
            this.price = price;
            this.warh = warh;
            this.quant = quant;     

        public int getPnum(){
            return pnum;

        public String getName(){
            return name;

        public double getPrice(){
            return price;

        public String getWarh(){
            return warh;

        public int getQuant(){
            return quant;

        public void setPnum(int pnum){
            this.pnum = pnum;

        public void setName(String name){
   = name;

        public void setPrice(double price){
            this.price = price;

        public void setWarh(String warh){
            this.warh = warh;

        public void setQuant(int quant){
            this.quant = quant;

When I run the program, I am given this error inside of the console

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: Bound mismatch: The type Part is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter of the type ListArray Bound mismatch: The type Part is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter of the type ListArray at Prog2.main(

From the looks of it, this is a problem of how COmparable is implemented in one of my classes, and it not being correctly implemented in the other. I tried looking at other posts on the website and tried implementing them to no avail. Thank you so much!


  • You have specified your ListArray to only be paramtrizable with types that extend Comparable

    ListArray <E extends Comparable>

    But, you're trying to parametrize it with Part, which does not extend Comparable.

    It looks like you've made some mistake in making Part generic. You should have Part implement Comparable i.e. :

    public class Part implements Comparable<Part>

    And then implement the compareTo method in Part

    public int compareTo(Part other) {
        // ... code here