Quickly my environment : Phonegap 8.0.0 phonegap-plugin-push 2.1.2 (the last version is not compatible to phonegap 8.0.0)
At that time :
My code (VueJS framework)
console.log('calling push init');
window.gtvapp.push = PushNotification.init({
'android': {
// 'senderID': 'XXXXXXXX'
'browser': {},
'ios': {
'sound': true,
'vibration': true,
'badge': true,
'alert': true
// 'senderID': 'xxxxxxxx'
'windows': {}
console.log('after init')
window.gtvapp.push.on('registration', function(data) {
console.log('registration event: ' + data.registrationId)
var oldRegId = window.localStorage.getItem('registrationId')
if (oldRegId !== data.registrationId) {
window.localStorage.setItem('registrationId', data.registrationId)
// Post registrationId to your app server as the value has changed
window.gtvapp.push.on('error', function(e) {
console.log('push error = ' + e.message)
// (...)
let router = this.$router
window.gtvapp.push.on('notification', function(data) {
console.log('notification event')
if (device.platform === 'Android') {
data.message, // message
function() {
// window.localStorage.setItem('pushpath', data.additionalData.path)
'En savoir plus'
This code works perfectly as attended on simulator "phonegap serve" + local push notif "phonegap push "
Questions :
Thanks a lot
step 1 : is it theoricaly possible to receive Firebase notif in a "phonegap serve instance"
No it’s not, you have to build the app and install the apk on the device
step 2 : is just "google-services.json" file required to correctly configure the firebase registration
Yes. Just on thing for phonegap 8 :
<platform name="android">
<resource-file src="google-services.json" target="app/google-services.json" />
the "app/" is important.