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From List to Graphical Interface

I'm creating a shop inside my game to buy virtual goods.

Main Shop Page

Main Shop Page

Each group has its own items. I've created a view where only one item is visible each time, with buttons to go to the previous and next item.

Specific group selection Menu - Teams

Specific group selection Menu - Teams

The question is that I don't know how to show the list where I have the items, in that last window and make that touching the buttons previous/next the list shows the different items.

Each item inside the list is called inventory[x] (x = the number in the loop) and has the properties itemName and itemDescription.

How can I make the code communicate with the graphical user interface?

I've created 6 inventory lists (each one for one type of unlockable virtual good) and I use GameSparks API for online features such a player profile.

The lists are declared at the beginning of the script:

public static List<Inventario> inventarioEquipos = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Teams
public static List<Inventario> inventarioPelotas = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Balls
public static List<Inventario> inventarioModos = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Modes
public static List<Inventario> inventarioVitores = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Cheers
public static List<Inventario> inventarioCampos = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Fields
public static List<Inventario> inventarioFondos = new List<Inventario>(); //Inventory for Backgrounds

In the Awake method I call:

    Info_Botones ("Equipos"); //I call this function for each group, to load its items and show how many items of a total of X the player owns. If you look at the first picture, will see below TEAMS: 1/2. That's what this function is for (besides to load all the unlockables in separated lists).
    Info_Botones ("Pelotas");
    Info_Botones ("Modos");
    Info_Botones ("Vitores");
    Info_Botones ("Campos");
    Info_Botones ("Fondos");

The code of the main function is as follows:

    private void Info_Botones(string tipoDeInventario) { //"tipoDeInventario" means InventoryType and I use it to pass to the function which type of inventory I want to load (Teams, Balls, Modes, Cheers, Fields or Backgrounds)

    int numero = 0;

    new LogEventRequest()
        .SetEventAttribute("TAG_TYPE", tipoDeInventario)
        .Send((response) =>
                if (!response.HasErrors)
                    List<object> entryList = response.ScriptData.GetObjectList("result") as List<object>;
                    for (int i = 0; i < entryList.Count; i++)
                        Dictionary<string, object> entry = entryList[i] as Dictionary<string, object>;

                        int itemId = i;
                        string itemName = (entry["name"]).ToString();
                        string itemDescription = (entry["description"]).ToString();
                        int itemPrice = int.Parse((entry["currency1Cost"].ToString()));
                        string itemInteractable = (entry["interactable"]).ToString();

                        Inventario inv = new Inventario(itemId, itemName, itemDescription, itemPrice, itemInteractable);

                        if(tipoDeInventario == "Equipos") {
                            if (inventarioEquipos[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Pelotas") {
                            if (inventarioPelotas[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Modos") {
                            if (inventarioModos[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Vitores") {
                            if (inventarioVitores[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Campos") {
                            if (inventarioCampos[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Fondos") {
                            if (inventarioFondos[i].itemInteractable == "False") {
                        } else {

                    if(tipoDeInventario == "Equipos") {
                        txtBtnCantidadEquipos.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioEquipos.Count;
                    } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Pelotas") {
                        txtBtnCantidadPelotas.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioPelotas.Count;
                    } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Modos") {
                        txtBtnCantidadModos.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioModos.Count;
                    } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Vitores") {
                        txtBtnCantidadVitores.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioVitores.Count;
                    } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Campos") {
                        txtBtnCantidadCampos.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioCampos.Count;
                    } else if(tipoDeInventario == "Fondos") {
                        txtBtnCantidadFondos.text = numero.ToString() + "/" + inventarioFondos.Count;
                    } else {


                    Debug.Log("ERROR AL OBTENER VG DEL JUGADOR: " + response.Errors.JSON);



  • I've achieved it using IF condictions. If anyone needs the code, ask for it and I will share it (I'm not at home right now).
