So I've been playing around with a JQuery plugin called Scrollable. I'm impressed with how easy it was to get up and going, but now I've run into a show stopper and hope you guys can help.
My scrollable div contains a bunch of icons that are "featured" in a certain category. If the category is changed, I use JQuery to clear out the "featured items" div, calculate the number of items, and fill it in as necessary. I clear everything out because in the case there is 0 I don't write anything to the div and the content on my page adjusts.
My problem has been that after one of these clear out the scrolling stops working. I've tried calling
circular: false
after every update but that doesn't seem to fix the issue. I'm familiar with other JQuery tools using a "refresh" type command that reloads the content. Is there something similar with this plugin? Any ideas on what I should be doing instead?
I ended up rewriting the page to never remove the scollable div from the DOM. With that, I ended up using this workflow...
Scroll to the first item. If the user was on page 5 and what they select only has 3 pages, the user is stranded on a blank page if you don't scroll back.
window.api.seekTo(0, 0);
Empty the "items" div.
Use the "addItem" method to add my items back in.
That seemed to work much better.