I'm new to testing Rails so this is probably a very small thing but I can't figure out what's wrong. So I have some models I'd like to test. Right now the tests are simple; testing the presence of attributes and saving if all validations are met.
One of my models Profile
my Users
model and passes all these tests spec/models/profiles_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Profile, type: :model do
context 'validation tests' do
it 'ensures user_id presence' do
profile = Profile.new(platform: 0, region: 0, tag: 'GamerTag', sr: 1600).save
expect(profile).to eq(false)
it 'ensures platform presence' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, region: 0, tag: 'GamerTag', sr: 1600).save
expect(profile).to eq(false)
it 'ensures region presence' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, platform: 0, tag: 'GamerTag', sr: 1600).save
expect(profile).to eq(false)
it 'ensures tag presence' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, platform: 0, region: 0, sr: 1600).save
expect(profile).to eq(false)
it 'ensures sr presence' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, platform: 0, region: 0, tag: 'GamerTag').save
expect(profile).to eq(false)
it 'should save successfully' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, platform: 0, region: 0, tag: 'GamerTag', sr: 1600).save
expect(profile).to eq(true)
class Profile < ApplicationRecord
validates :platform, presence: true
validates :region, presence: true
validates :tag, presence: true
validates :sr, presence:true
belongs_to :user
enum platform: [:pc, :xbl, :psn]
enum region: [:us, :eu]
But then there are my other models, which "pass" all the attribute presence validation tests, which theres something wrong there because they still pass when I comment out their attribute validations and fail the 'should save successfully'
The most confusing part? When I run the rails console and manually test it returns the expected value (true), like with my Student
model which belongs_to :profile
So I really have no idea what's going on here. Any ideas please throw them out. If you all need any more information, let me know.
Indeed, it's an error of missing related records. Let's take coach spec, for example:
it 'should save successfully' do
coach = Coach.new(profile_id: 1, roles: ['tank']).save
expect(coach).to eq(true)
Here (in my experiments) there's no profile with id=1. In fact, there are no profiles at all. So this spec fails, as expected.
Buuuut, by the time we get to the profile spec:
it 'should save successfully' do
profile = Profile.new(user_id: 1, platform: 0, region: 0, tag: 'GamerTag', sr: 1600)
expect(profile).to eq(true)
user with id=1 does exist (likely because user spec was run before this one and successfully created a user record).
Lessons to learn: