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VBA Error 1004 - Call function from VB.Net (Visual Studio)

I am calling a Macro in an excel file from VB.Net. Everytime I call it I get an error 1004 on the following line of Code

Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Fourier", Sheets("Sheet2").Range("$Q$5:$Q$260"), _
        Sheets("Sheet2").Range("$R$1:$R$256"), True, False

When Running the code straight from excel it works perfectly. But when it's runn from Visual Studio, the error occurs.

I have it working from a button click and cell change in excel and both these methods don't work from Visual Studio. Why is this error occurring?


  • This problem is documented in the article Add-ins do not load when using the CreateObject command in Excel (web archive link in-case the main link dies).

    The following demonstrates the methodology outlined in the referenced article. The example includes the usage of empty Catch blocks. Get over it, this example is just to demonstrate one way to load the addin Workbook and not meant as a treatise on how to follow someone's programming ideology.

    Sub DemoExcelAddinLoading()
        Dim app As New Excel.Application
        ' you must have an open Workbook before trying to open the 
        ' addin.  if no Workbook is open, opening the addin will fail
        Dim wb As Excel.Workbook = app.Workbooks.Open("path to your workbook")
        ' a big annoyance is that the addin seems to be loaded
        ' and installed if the current user-interactive Excel has it as such.
        ' this is useful to retrieve the addin file path though
        Dim toolPakAddin As Excel.AddIn = Nothing
            ' will throw if "Analysis ToolPak" not installed
            toolPakAddin = app.AddIns("Analysis ToolPak")
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        Dim wbToolPak As Excel.Workbook = Nothing
        If toolPakAddin IsNot Nothing Then
                wbToolPak = app.Workbooks.Open(toolPakAddin.FullName)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End If
        If wbToolPak IsNot Nothing Then
            ' register the addin
            Dim res As Boolean = app.RegisterXLL(toolPakAddin.Name)
            ' AutoRun macros are disabled under automation, so
            ' allow the addin to initialize
        End If
        Dim rngIn As Excel.Range
        Dim rngOut As Excel.Range
        Dim ws As Excel._Worksheet = CType(wb.Worksheets("Sheet2"), Excel._Worksheet)
        rngOut = ws.Range("$c$1:$c$8")
        rngIn = ws.Range("$a$1:$a$8")
        Dim wbName As String = wb.Name
        app.Visible = True
            app.Run("ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Fourier", rngIn, rngOut, True, False)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        ' Note: do not attempt to close wbToolPak 
        wb.Saved = True
    End Sub