I am using JModelica to perform many simulations simultaneously. It would be very nice to suppress the solver statistics like
Final Run Statistics: ---
Number of steps : 691
Number of function evaluations : 904
Number of Jacobian evaluations : 16
Number of function eval. due to Jacobian eval. : 896
Number of error test failures : 20
Number of nonlinear iterations : 900
Number of nonlinear convergence failures : 0
Number of state function evaluations : 692
Solver options:
Solver : CVode
Linear multistep method : BDF
Nonlinear solver : Newton
Linear solver type : DENSE
Maximal order : 5
Tolerances (absolute) : [1.0000e-01 1.0000e-01 1.0000e-01 1.0000e-06 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 2.9315e-04 2.9315e-04
2.9315e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
3.0000e-04 2.9315e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
2.9315e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 2.9315e-04
1.0000e-01 1.0000e-06 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04
3.0000e-04 1.0000e-06 1.0000e-06 3.0000e-04 3.0000e-04 1.0000e-06
1.0000e-06 1.0000e-06]
Tolerances (relative) : 0.0001
Simulation interval : 0.0 - 432000.0 seconds.
Elapsed simulation time: 0.262155771255 seconds.
Is there an option for the solver? I didn't find anything in the JModelica documentation. Is there another option in Python?
Yes there is. It is set using solver specific options. For example:
model = load_fmu("MyModel.fmu")
opts = model.simulate_options()
opts["CVode_options"]["verbosity"] = 50
res = model.simulate(options=opts)