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SVG rotate attribute of the <animateMotion> element set to auto not working correctly

I have a question to svg animation. Please find my code here. Using javascript I am adding animateMotion element to red arrow symbol. I would like to achieve the following thing

  • Arrow should move on the path designated by rectangle and rotate to align with the slope of the path (so rotate 90 deg)

I can partially meet this requirement. Moving arrow along the given path is quite simple. JS script is setting path attribute for animateMotion element. I wanted to use rotate attribute to fit rotate changes to the path. Please have a look that when you uncomment this line

animateMotion.setAttribute("rotate", "auto");

in JS code something strange happens. Instead rotating 90 deg after reaching each corner arrow unexpected disappear. Do you know why?

Thank you very much in advance.

class Point {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

function getArrowSymbolXcoordinate(pathAttribute) {
  var commaIdx = pathAttribute.indexOf(',');
  return pathAttribute.substring(1,commaIdx);

function getArrowSymbolYcoordinate(pathAttribute) {
  var commaIdx = pathAttribute.indexOf(',');
  var lineCommandIdx = pathAttribute.indexOf('l');
  console.log(pathAttribute.substring(commaIdx, lineCommandIdx));
  return pathAttribute.substring(commaIdx+1, lineCommandIdx);

function getTopPathAttribute(element, xCoordinate) {
  var toTopRightCorrner = Math.abs(topRightCorrner.x - xCoordinate);
  var path = 'm0,0 ' + 'h' + toTopRightCorrner + ' v' + height + ' h-' + width + ' v-' + height + ' z';
  return path;

let topLeftCorrner = new Point(200,100);
let topRightCorrner = new Point(350,100);
let bottomLeftCorrner = new Point(200,150);
let bottomRightCorrner = new Point(350,150);

let topArrowSymbols = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('top'));

let width = Math.abs(topLeftCorrner.x - topRightCorrner.x);
let height = Math.abs(topLeftCorrner.y - bottomLeftCorrner.y);

topArrowSymbols.forEach( function(element) {
  var xCoordinate = getArrowSymbolXcoordinate(element.getAttribute('d'));
  var animateMotion = document.createElementNS('', "animateMotion");
  var pathAttribute = getTopPathAttribute(element, xCoordinate);
  animateMotion.setAttribute("dur", "7s");
  animateMotion.setAttribute("path", pathAttribute);
  //animateMotion.setAttribute("rotate", 'auto');
body {
	height: 100vh;
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8"/>
	<script src="main_home.js" defer="defer"></script>


  <figure >
    <svg xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" viewbox="120 80 300 200">
            <rect fill="none" height="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" width="150" x="200" y="100"/>
            <path class="arrow_symbol top" d="m215.21876,99.72372l-2.49741,-2.5l1.64474,0l2.49741,2.5l-2.49741,2.5l-1.64474,0l2.49741,-2.5z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2"/>



  • Your problem is that your arrow has a large offset from the origin of the SVG. So when it hits the end of the first curve and rotates around the corner, it is disappearing off screen.

    Here is a simplified example that hopefully shows what is happening.

    <svg viewbox="-100 -100 400 400" width="400">
      <!-- axes to show the origin -->
      <line x1="0" y1="-100" x2="0" y2="300" stroke="#cce" stroke-width="1"/>
      <line x1="-100" y1="0" x2="300" y2="0" stroke="#cce" stroke-width="1"/>
      <!-- the path that the arrow is actually following (ie the one in the animateMotion) -->
      <rect width="80" height="80" fill="none" stroke="#888" stroke-width="2"/>
      <!-- dashed line showing the offset from the animateMotionPath to the arrow -->
      <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" fill="none" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2" stroke-dasharray="10 10">
        <animateMotion dur="7s" rotate="auto"
                       path="M 0,0 L 80,0 L 80,80 L 0,80 Z"/>
      <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
      <!-- the pon-screen path that the arrow appears to be following -->
      <rect fill="none" x="100" y="100" width="80" height="80" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" />
      <!-- the arrow -->
      <path class="arrow_symbol top" d="M 110,100 L 100,110 L 100,90 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2">
        <animateMotion dur="7s" rotate="auto"
                       path="M 0,0 L 80,0 L 80,80 L 0,80 Z"/>

    To fix your SVG, you have to make sure that your arrow rotates around its centre. Not the origin.

    let topArrowSymbols = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('top'));
    topArrowSymbols.forEach( function(element) {
      var animateMotion = document.createElementNS('', "animateMotion");
      animateMotion.setAttribute("dur", "7s");
      animateMotion.setAttribute("path", 'm 220,100 h 130 v 50 h -150 v -50 z');
      animateMotion.setAttribute("rotate", 'auto');
      animateMotion.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
    body {
    	height: 100vh;
    svg {
      overflow: visible;
      position: absolute;
      top: 400px;
      left: 400px;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    	<meta charset="utf-8"/>
    	<script src="main_home.js" defer="defer"></script>
      <figure >
        <svg xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" viewbox="120 80 300 200">
                <rect id="my-path" fill="none" height="50" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" width="150" x="200" y="100"/>
                <path class="arrow_symbol top" d="m0.21876,0.72372l-2.49741,-2.5l1.64474,0l2.49741,2.5l-2.49741,2.5l-1.64474,0l2.49741,-2.5z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2"/>