I'm getting an error of invalid arguments in the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Photon (4.8.0) at map_name.insert(make_pair("string_name", int_name);
I am using GCC 8.2.0. I'm trying some simple stuff with STL.
Tried either both insert(make_pair())
or insert(pair<string, int>())
getting same IDE error(Semantic error). Why is that?
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<string, int> ages;
ages["Mike"] = 21;
ages["Johnny"] = 20;
ages["Vicky"] = 30;
ages["Mike"] = 42;
// ages.insert(make_pair("Peter", 100));
ages.insert(pair < string, int > ("Peter", 100));
for(map<string, int>::iterator it = ages.begin(); it!=ages.end(); it++)
cout<< it->first<<": "<< it->second<<endl;
return (0);
This is the error that is displayed in the IDE:
The standard library implementation that ships with GCC 8 uses a type trait intrinsic called __is_constructible
, which Eclipse CDT's parser does not yet support.
This can result in false positive errors when CDT is made to parse GCC 8's standard library code.
If you use GCC 7 or earlier, you don't get any errors for this code.
UPDATE: This eclipse bug tracks adding support for __is_constructible
to CDT's parser. It has recently been fixed, though the fix has not appeared in a CDT release yet.