I have two classes with similar fields:
Class Foo {
string name;
int val;
Class Bar {
string name;
int val;
Is there a way to use Generics to retrieve the field names and values of objects of these classes? Something along the lines of:
string GetName<T> (T obj)
//returns T.name
I want to make sure there are compile time checks for this, in case the class fields were to change.
I do not control the definitions of classes Foo and Bar. They will be exposed to me in a library and can change.
I can use something like the following:
Type myType = myObject.GetType();
var value = myType.GetProperty("name").GetValue(myObject, null);
But I don't think this would check at compile time.
If you want compile-time safety, and you can't modify Foo
and Bar
, the typical way to deal with this is with overloads:
public string GetName(Foo o) { return o.Name; }
public string GetName(Bar o) { return o.Name; }
The compiler will automatically pick the method that matches the type of the parameter, so you just need to call it with
...and it's type-safe.
You can't really use generics because Foo and Bar lack a common interface that exposes Name
You can use Reflection, of course, but that means abandoning compile-time safety.