I want to change maxLength for textarea dynamically. I tried this:
xtype: 'textareafield',
msgTarget: 'under',
fieldLabel: __('text_sms'),
maxLength: 60,
name: 'text-sms',
bind: {
value: __('sms_text_template'),
afterSubTpl: '<span>{length}/{maxLength}</span>'
listeners: {
change: function (el) {
el.setMaxLength(60); // error is not a function
And also I tried to bind value maxLength:
bind: {
value: __('sms_text_template'),
maxLength: '{maxLength}'
You need to define getter and setter to textarea and after this you're free to call them: FIDDLE
This is how you do it with binding: FIDDLE
maxLength isn't bindable, so to make it, you need getter & setter and after this you can change them from viewmodel.