I have stored a Phone class in a java file and add it to a Static Web project IntelliJ
idea. In addition, I created App.js file in the project and tried to call pure node js
function under GraalVM using: graalvm/.../node -jvm -polyglot ~/source/graalvm_samples/graal_vm_sample_js/app.js but nodejs under GraalVM fails with the following error: "Access to host class Phone is not allowed or does not exist."
console.log("Hello NodeJs");
var Phone = Java.type('graalSample.Phone');
let phone = new Phone(12345);
Phone class:
package graalSample;
public class Phone {
public final int number;
public Phone(int number){
this.number = number;
public void call(String name){
System.out.printf("Calling ... "+name);
Sametime, the following code with standard java types works fine. Borrowed from here Use java class in Graal.js
var ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList");
var myList = new ArrayList();
As turned out, I have missed --jvm.cp parameter and didn't build myClass.java ahead of node run. So, here is a working solution. files in the directory:
The source question had an error in package name either. The package had to be renamed from graal_vm_sample_js to graalSample.
Before running of App.js file, I ran
javac -d ./out/production/graal_vm_sample_js/ ./src/graal/Phone.java
As a result, the class file was created and became available for the Graal.
node --jvm --jvm.cp="/Users/myuser/source/graalvm_samples/graal_vm_sample_js/out/production/graal_vm_sample_js" /Users/myuser/source/graalvm_samples/graal_vm_sample_js/out/production/graal_vm_sample_js/App.js
The output looks like
Calling ...someone