defp query_by(query, %{"min_end_date_month" => min_end_date_month} = params) do
query = from(q in query, where: q.end_date.month <= ^min_end_date_month)
query_by(query, Map.delete(params, "min_end_date_month"))
The query function above is returning this error: (Ecto.Query.CompileError) q.start_date().year() is not a valid query expression
. However, in the iex console, I can normally do some_record.end_date.month
since month
is a valid key. What am I doing wrong?
When a query returns a Date value to Elixir, Elixir decodes it into a Date
struct, which lets you access the parts of the date using .year
, .month
, etc. A query is executed by the database though, where you can't access the year/month/day with a .
. There are database specific functions to extract these values from a Date value. Assuming you're on PostgreSQL, you can use date_part
query = from(q in query, where: fragment("date_part('month', ?)", q.end_date) <= ^min_end_date_month)