I'm trying to write a selection sort method for a LinkedHashMap/ArrayList but I'm having issues and I'm not sure what's wrong. It compiles but doesn't actually sort the list. I'm trying to sort in descending order by value. Any help would be appreciated.
public static List sort(LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> words) {
List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entries = new ArrayList<>(words.size());
int max;
for(int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
max = entries.get(i).getValue();
for(int j = i + 1; j < entries.size(); j++) {
if (entries.get(j).getValue().compareTo(entries.get(max).getValue()) > 0) {
max = entries.get(j).getValue();
if(max != i) {
Map.Entry temp1 = entries.get(i);
entries.set(entries.get(i).getValue(), entries.get(max));
entries.set(entries.get(max).getValue(), temp1);
return entries;
You're code is essentially correct, you've just mixed up values and indices in a few places.
You need to replace:
max = entries.get(i).getValue();
max = i;
max = entries.get(j).getValue();
max = j;
entries.set(entries.get(i).getValue(), entries.get(max));
entries.set(entries.get(max).getValue(), temp1);
entries.set(i, entries.get(max));
entries.set(max, temp1);
Make you sure you understand why the changes work.