I just started using jq and json files, and I'm trying to parse a specific file. I'm tring to do it with jq in command line, but if there's any other way to do it properly, I'm in to give it a try.
The file itself looks like this :
"Status": "ok",
"Code": 200,
"Message": "",
"Result": [
"ID": 123456,
"Activity": 27,
"Name": Example1",
"Coordinate": {
"Galaxy": 1,
"System": 22,
"Position": 3
"Administrator": false,
"Inactive": false,
"Vacation": false,
"HonorableTarget": false,
"Debris": {
"Metal": 0,
"Crystal": 0,
"RecyclersNeeded": 0
"Moon": null,
"Player": {
"ID": 111111,
"Name": "foo",
"Rank": 4
"Alliance": null
"ID": 223344,
"Activity": 17,
"Name": "Example2",
"Coordinate": {
"Galaxy": 3,
"System": 44,
"Position": 5
"Administrator": false,
"Inactive": false,
"Vacation": false,
"StrongPlayer": false,
"HonorableTarget": false,
"Debris": {
"Metal": 0,
"Crystal": 0,
"RecyclersNeeded": 0
"Moon": null,
"Player": {
"ID": 765432,
"Name": "Player 2",
"Rank": 3
"Alliance": null
I would need to extract information based on the galaxy/system/position. For example, having a script with the proper filters in it and execute something like that :
./parser --galaxy=1 --system=22 --position=3
And it would give me :
ID : 123456
Name : Example1
Activity : 27
I tried to do that with curl to grab my json file and jq to parse my file, but I have no idea how I can make that kind of request.
The following should be sufficient to get you on your way.
First, let's assume the JSON is in a file name galaxy.json; second, let's assume the file galaxy.jq contains the following:
| select(.Coordinate | (.Galaxy==$galaxy and .System==$system and .Position==$position))
Then the invocation:
jq -f so-galaxy.jq --argjson galaxy 1 --argjson system 22 --argjson position 3 galaxy.json
would yield the corresponding object:
"ID": 123456,
"Activity": 27,
"Name": "Example1",
"Coordinate": {
"Galaxy": 1,
"System": 22,
"Position": 3
"Administrator": false,
"Inactive": false,
"Vacation": false,
"HonorableTarget": false,
"Debris": {
"Metal": 0,
"Crystal": 0,
"RecyclersNeeded": 0
"Moon": null,
"Player": {
"ID": 111111,
"Name": "foo",
"Rank": 4
"Alliance": null
If you want the output to be in key: value
format, simply add -r to the command-line options, and append the following to the jq filter:
| to_entries[]
| "\(.key): \(.value)"
ID: 123456
Activity: 27
Name: Example1
Coordinate: {"Galaxy":1,"System":22,"Position":3}
Administrator: false
Inactive: false
Vacation: false
HonorableTarget: false
Debris: {"Metal":0,"Crystal":0,"RecyclersNeeded":0}
Moon: null
Player: {"ID":111111,"Name":"foo","Rank":4}
Alliance: null