I am developing an app using cordova (currently only releasing on Android) and I am struggling with storage options.
I am currently using Local Storage which seems to work well, however all data/values are wiped if the user uninstalls and reinstalls the app. I was wondering if there is a plugin or some way to permanently store data on Android even if the user uninstalls the app?
The reason I would like this is to allow the user to keep the coins they have earned/purchased if they were to remove the app and then get it back at a later date? I also have an 'ad free' IAP and I am currently storing a value in Local Storage when the user purchases this so don't want the ads to come back if they uninstall/reinstall.
If this is not possible is there an alternative way to recognise if the user has purchased the Ad Free IAP so they will always have no ads?
You could use cordova-plugin-cloud-settings to persist key/value data between installs / across same-platform devices.