I have a function that resolves a Promise without passing any arguments:
const checkUser = (user)=> {
let promise = Parse.Promise();
} else {
The problem is that in all tutorials that I read, they assign the returning value to a variable, like this:
let response = await checkUser(user);
In the above case, can I just await for the promise without assigning the result to a variable or this is not recommended? For example:
await checkUser(user);
Yes, you can totally do that. JavaScript will still wait for the promise to resolve.
Here is a modification of MDN's first example for await
. It does not return a value but still waits for the Promise to resolve before running the code after await
function resolveAfter2Seconds() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
(async function() {
await resolveAfter2Seconds();