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Read ZipInputStream in Kotlin

I am trying to read a zipped file using Kotlin and ZipInputStream into a ByteArrayOutputStream()

val f = File("/path/to/zip/")
val zis = ZipInputStream(FileInputStream(f))

//loop through all entries in the zipped file
var entry = zis.nextEntry
while(entry != null) {
    val baos = ByteArrayOutputStream()

    //read the entry into a ByteArrayOutputStream
    zis.use{ it.copyTo(baos) }

    val bytes = baos.toByteArray()


    zis.closeEntry()  //error thrown here on first iteration
    entry = zis.nextEntry

The error I get is: Stream closed
    <the code above>

I thought maybe zis.use is closing the entry already after the contents of the entry are read, so I removed zis.closeEntry(), but then it produced the same error when trying to get the next entry

I know zis.use is safe and guarantees the input stream is closed, but I would expect it to close just the entry if anything rather than the entire stream.

Having printed the entire byte array, I know only the first file in the zip is being read during zis.use

Is there a good way to read all entries in a ZipInputStream in kotlin?


  • The use function calls the close() method, which closes the entire stream, rather than closeEntry(), which closes just the current entry. I think you should wrap your entire while loop with zis.use { ... }, rather than calling it for each entry.