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Dependency issue creating SWRL Rule with SWRL API using gradle

I am trying to add a SWRL rule to my Ontology using SWRLAPI and OWLAPI. I am trying to use OWLAPI's version which is compatible with SWRLAPI. However, I still get errors when creating a rule. It seems to be a problem with the dependency management. I am using gradle as a dependency manager so this should have solved the issue.

The Exception is:

Error creating rule engine Drools. Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. Message: org/drools/runtime/rule/AgendaFilter"

My build.gradle dependency file:

dependencies {
    compile group: 'net.sourceforge.owlapi', name: 'owlapi-distribution', version: '4.1.3'
    compile group: 'net.sourceforge.owlapi', name: 'org.semanticweb.hermit', version: ''
    compile 'edu.stanford.swrl:swrlapi:2.0.5'
    compile 'edu.stanford.swrl:swrlapi-drools-engine:2.0.5'

The exception happens when executing createSWRLRuleEngine method:

public void addNewSWRLRule(SWRLRuleModel rule) throws SWRLBuiltInException, SWRLParseException {    
    SWRLRuleEngine swrlRuleEngine = SWRLAPIFactory.createSWRLRuleEngine(ontology);
    swrlRuleEngine.createSWRLRule(rule.getName(), rule.getRule(), rule.getComment(), true);

Is there a dependency that must be added manually to solve this issue?


  • The problem was that there were 2 maven dependencies from Drools Engine (edu.stanford.swrl:swrlapi-drools-engine:2.0.5) not resolved by gradle.

    The missing dependencies were:

    • org.drools:knowledge-api:6.5.0.Final
    • org.drools:drools-osgi-integration:6.5.0.Final

    I am not sure what is causing these not to be solved by gradle, but I managed to fix the issue in IntelliJ by converting the two missing dependencies to a Repository Library and searching for these in maven following these steps:

    1. File > Project Structure > Libraries
    2. Right button click on the missing library
    3. Convert to Repository Library
    4. Type the dependency name and search in maven repository
    5. Replace