Sftp sftp = new Sftp(host, user);
// 1. Generate an SSH-2-RSA public key by PuttyGen
// 2. Register the public key on the SFTP server
// 3. Save the private key in putty Format
// 4. Use WinSCP to connect to the sftp server using the private key generated in the step 3
// 5. If the connection works, You will have to load the private key generated in the step 3 and convert it to OpenSSh format.
// 6. Use the private key generated in step 5, make sure that the authentication parameters are right, then test the tamirSftp connection.
// 7. Make sure that you have a reference to the three DLL (DiffieHelman, OrgMantalis and TamirSharpSSH )
Its throwing following error:
at Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.Session.connect(Int32 port)
Does Password is mandatory to connect SFTP machine?
I solved this by adding a passphrase parameter to the AddIdentityFile()
You might have added a passphrase when you generated your private key, include it in your call.
Sftp sftp = new Sftp(host, user);
//Include it here
sftp.AddIdentityFile(keyFileName, "yourpassphrase");