What I want to do is save 4x8bytes as a 64bit Long. And decode that 64bit Long into 4x8bytes again.
I know you may not understand it but I have an Encoder, which uses bytes 8 bits to make a 64 bit Long. And I'm saving multiple of those an example: "-223784 2432834 -34233566" and I want to read every number split it when " " is the character and put it in a long[].
Currently I have this Code:
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream( IOUtils.path + File.separator + "eclipse.hm" );
String c = "";
long[] longs = new long[1000000];
int b,ggg=0;
while((b=fin.read())!=-1) {
if( (char)b==' ' ) {
longs[ggg++] = Long.parseLong(c);
c = "";
} else {
c+=(char) b;
The Method of my "Decoder" is as follows:
public static Object decode(long[] input) throws DataFormatException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
byte[] toInflate = BitSet.valueOf(input).toByteArray();
Inflater inflater = new Inflater();
byte[] deflated = new byte[ toInflate.length*2 ];
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(deflated) );
Object r = ois.readObject();
return r;
The Decoder works I had tested it with my Encoder and directly input the output of the Encoder. So there must be a read error.
and I'm literally speechless, as well as I don't have anything in mind to fix this problem...
Thanks for help, sincerly Richee.
You can use some built-in String functions to split string. After that you need to do some transformations from string to long for all elements that you get after split step.