I use the Ant Design for my WebApp. For the Card, there's a hoverable prop that make the card seams clickable but there's no onClick prop. How do I make it really clickable?
This is my Code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Card, Avatar, Icon, Button, Divider } from 'antd';
import EventDetailsDrawer from '../ui/EventDetailsDrawer';
const { Meta } = Card;
class EventCard extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div onClick={alert("Hello from here")}>
cover={<img alt="example" src="https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/1102015169/univ/art/1102015169_univ_lsr_lg.jpg" />}
bodyStyle={{ marginBottom: "-5px" }}
//avatar={<Avatar src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" />}
avatar={<Button type="primary" shape="circle-outline">{this.props.owner}</Button>}
<Divider style={{ marginLeft: "0px" }}></Divider>
<p><Icon type="clock-circle" style={{ fontSize: "15px", color: "#1890FE" }} theme="outlined" /><span style={{ marginLeft: "15px" }} />{this.props.date}</p>
<p><Icon type="environment" style={{ fontSize: "15px", color: "#1890FE" }} theme="outlined" /><span style={{ marginLeft: "15px" }} />{this.props.location}</p>
export default EventCard
I try to make a dive (around the Card) clickable, but the Code runs immediately after the app is loaded, since I pack each card into a list item. How to make Card component clickable?
Thanks for your answer :)
Notice that what you are attaching to the div's onClick
listener is the value returned by alert
and not actually a function that should be run whenever the div is clicked.
Try changing this:
<div onClick={alert("Hello from here")}>
To this:
<div onClick={() => alert("Hello from here")}>