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Linear regression with big matrices

I would like to perform a linear regression with big matrices.

This is what I have tried so far:


nrows <- 1000000
X <- as.big.matrix( replicate(100, rnorm(nrows)) )
y <- rnorm(nrows)

biglm.big.matrix(y ~ X)
# Error in CreateNextDataFrameGenerator(formula, data, chunksize, fc, getNextChunkFunc,  : 
  argument "data" is missing, with no default

biglm.big.matrix(y ~ X, data = cbind(y, X))
# Error in bigmemory:::mmap(vars, colnames(data)) : 
  Couldn't find a match to one of the arguments.

biglm.big.matrix(y ~ X, data = cbind(y = y, X = X))
# Error in bigmemory:::mmap(vars, colnames(data)) : 
  Couldn't find a match to one of the arguments.

How can I solve this problem?


  • Here, X is a (big) matrix with 100 columns. Since biglm.big.matrix() requires the data= argument, it looks like you can't ask that function to run a linear model on all columns in X at once like you can with lm(). Note also that when you cbind() a with a big.matrix, as in cbind(y, X), the result is a list!!.

    It appears you need both y and X to be part of one big.matrix, then you will need to build the model formula yourself manually:

    # Construct an empty big.matrix with the correct number of dimensions and
    # with column names
    nrows <- 1000000
    dat <- big.matrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=101, 
                        NULL, # no rownames
                        c("y", paste0("X", 1:ncol(X))) # colnames: y, X1, X2, ..., X100
    # fill with y and X:
    dat[,1] <- rnorm(nrows)
    dat[,2:101] <- replicate(100, rnorm(nrows)) 
    # construct the model formula as a character vector using paste:
    # (Or you need to type y ~ X1 + X2 + ... + X100 manually in biglm.big.matrix()!)
    f <- paste("y ~", paste(colnames(dat)[-1], collapse=" + "))
    # run the model
    res <- biglm.big.matrix(as.formula(f), data=dat)