I am trying to use PowerMockito to test a save method by verifying an internal audit() method call. This internal call is made by auditor object which is being instantiated in an init() method of the class. As it is not injected I will not be able to mock it directly. When I used Mockito to verify it always said "There were zero interaction with the mock". Question:How exactly do I test the save feature? Kindly help!
public class DaoImpl implements Dao{
private Auditor auditor;
private ObjectLoader loader;
private ConfigurationProvider confProvider;
public void init() {
//Mock this object instantiation and verify audit is called once
auditor = new SyncAuditor(confProvider.getClientConfiguration(), new EventRegProvider());
public void save(final AuditEvt auditEvt) {
final AuditedEvent auditedEvent = builder.build();
Test :
@PrepareForTest({ DaoImplTest.class })
public class DaoImplTest extends PowerMockito {
private DaoImpl dataAccess;
private SynchAuditor auditorMock;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
loader = ObjectLoader.init("JUNIT");
loader.bind(ConfigurationProvider.class, configurationProviderMock);
dataAccess = loader.newInstance(DaoImpl.class);
public void tearDown() {
public void testSaveAuditEvent() throws Exception {
withArguments(Matchers.any(ClientConfiguration.class), Matchers.any(EventRegProvider.class)).thenReturn(this.auditorMock);
final AuditEvent event = AuditEvent.from(null, "principal", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "randomText",
new AuditEvtDefn((long) 522, "234242", "234242fdgd", true), SUCCESS, null, new GregorianCalendar());
Mockito.verify(auditorMock, times(1)).audit(Matchers.any(AuditedEvent.class));
Even PowerMockito.verifyNew says there were zero interaction
So, I figured out that java reflection will help in such a situation. You will have to get hold onto the real object and then set mocked object to it.
final Field privateAuditorField = DaoImpl.class.getDeclaredField("auditor");
privateAuditorField.set(dataAccess, auditorMock);
Now verify will run sucessfully.
Mockito.verify(auditorMock, Mockito.times(1)).audit(Matchers.any(AuditedEvent.class));