I have a super-simple web page that loads data from a server into s as containers. The problem is that sometimes images are too tall, and overflow and cause layout problems. So, I was looking to resize the divs using:
target.style.height = height; // As short form of:
But so far NOTHING I've tried has worked. Here's the html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<body bgcolor="#E3FBFF" text="#000000" onload="loadImages();">
<script type = "text/javascript">
function loadImages()
...Function omitted for brevity...
But it gets to this line:
document.getElementById(d0).style.height = height+10;
<div id=d0></div>
<div id=d1></div>
<div id=d2></div>
<div id=d3></div>
That's it!
I have found various articles like this one, or this one, but, they weren't helpful.
It occurs to me to mention that in my case I don't require the use of divs per se. I just need the images and related text to not overlap vertically (or horizontally). As it is, when the images load, it can be a real mess. ...How can I tell my divs to be full width with no overlay from the other divs? I tried using a class, using CSS, and more, all ignored.
I guess I was working under the improper assumption that divs, as block-oriented things, that even if you declare full width ("width=100%") can and will STILL overlap vertically depending on the contents placed in them.
you didnt show what you assigned to 'height', but from your code i assume its an interger.
document.getElementById(d0).style.height = height+10;
style takes a string (ie 10px), so assigning number to it won't work, try the following
document.getElementById(d0).style.height = height+10+'px';
javascript will convert it to string for you
more on integer to string here What's the best way to convert a number to a string in JavaScript?