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How to stub Spring repository to throw an exception in an integration test?

I have a service which has a repository as a constructor's parameter.

NodeServiceListInstallService( final BykiListRepository aBykiListRepository )

The BykiListRepository is default Spring repository without implementation

interface BykiListRepository extends JpaRepository<BykiList, Long> {
    //some magic methods

My configuration class marked with @EnableJpaRepositories, so, I haven't direct bean's declaration. Service declaration:

@EnableConfigurationProperties( ApplicationProperties )
@ImportResource( 'classpath:META-INF/spring/application-context.xml' )
class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
    NodeServiceListInstallService nodeServiceListInstallService( final BykiListRepository bykiListRepository ) {
        new NodeServiceListInstallService( bykiListRepository )

I'm trying to write a test within of the call of the repository's method save will thrown an exception PersistenceException. I've tried to stub/spy a a repository and declare it as a bean in @TestConfiguration with @Primary, or even implement the interface. But I haven't got the result.

class TestConfig {
    BykiListRepository bykiListRepository() {
        //return Spock's Spy/Stub or new BykiRepositoryBadImpl()


@ContextConfiguration( classes = TestConfig )
class GlobalErrorHandlerIntegrationTest extends BaseFlowIntegrationTest {

I write on Groovy-2.4.12 and write tests with Spock-1.1. Spring Boot 1.5.4. Reserved variant is to use aspect, but there's not exactly what I wish. Will be very grateful for help.

Update: Usage of DetachedMockFactory:



class DummyConfiguration {
    private final detachedFactory = new DetachedMockFactory()
    BykiListRepository bykiListRepository() {
        detachedFactory.Mock( BykiListRepository )

Test's skeleton:

@SpringBootTest( classes = DummyConfiguration )
@Import( [DummyConfiguration] )
@ContextConfiguration( classes = DummyConfiguration )
class GlobalErrorHandlerIntegrationTest extends BaseFlowIntegrationTest {
    BykiListRepository bykiListRepositoryMock
    def 'exercise error handling'() {
        given: 'the failing repository' _ ) >> {
            throw new CannotCreateTransactionException()
        when: 'the message is send to rabbit'
        rabbitOperations.send( configuration.rabbitExchangeName, '', msg )


@SpringBootTest( webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE )
@ContextConfiguration( classes = Application )
class BaseFlowIntegrationTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {...}


@Category( InboundIntegrationTest )
abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest extends Specification {...}


  • The problem was because I had wrong bean name. I've changed it to the bykiListRepositoryMock (instead of bykiListRepository) and it've solved the problem.