Search code examples

What is the difference between Files.walk.filter and Files.find?

This code searches for a specific file:

Stream<Path> findMyFile = Files.find(Paths.get("c:\\temp\\pathtest"), Integer.MAX_VALUE,(p, a) -> p.endsWith("test.txt") && a.isRegularFile());

Stream<Path> findMyFileSecond = Files.walk(Paths.get("c:\\temp\\pathtest"),Integer.MAX_VALUE).filter(p -> p.endsWith("test.txt"));


Both results contain the same files and both methods complete in almost the same time. JavaDoc says the following:

This method walks the file tree in exactly the manner specified by * the #walk walk method Compare to calling * filter on the Stream * returned by {@code walk} method, this meth od may be more efficient by * avoiding redundant retrieval of the BasicFileAttributes

When should I use walk in combination with filter and when find? What is considered best practice?


  • TL;DR: if you you need to filter out files/dirs by attributes - use Files.find(), if you don't need to filter by file attributes - use Files.walk().


    There is a slight difference which is actually explained in the documentation, but in a way that it feels completely wrong. Reading the source code makes it clear:

    • Files.find:

                              .filter(entry -> matcher.test(entry.file(), entry.attributes()))
                              .map(entry -> entry.file());
    • Files.walk:

                              .map(entry -> entry.file());

    This means that if, in your eventual filter, you need to get and validate file attributes - chances are that File.find will be faster. That's because with File.walk, your filter callback will need an extra call to e.g. Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class), while with File.find - the attributes are already retrieved and given to you in the filter callback.

    I just tested it with my sample 10K-files-in-many-folders structure on Windows, by searching files only (i.e. excluding folders):

    // pre-Java7/8 way via recursive listFiles (8037 files returned): 1521.657 msec.
    for (File f : new File(dir).listFiles()) {
        if (f.isDirectory()) {
            _getFiles(files, path, pattern);
        } else {
    // Files.walk(8037 files returned): 1575.766823 msec.
    try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(path, Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        files = stream.filter(p -> {
            if (Files.isDirectory(p)) { return false; } // this extra check makes it much slower than Files.find
        }).map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    // Files.find(8037 files returned): 27.606675 msec.
    try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.find(path, Integer.MAX_VALUE, (p, a) -> !a.isDirectory())) {
        files = stream.filter(p -> { ... }).map(p -> p.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    // Files.walkFileTree(8037 returned): 27.443974 msec.
    Files.walkFileTree(new File(path).toPath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { 
        public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path p, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
            return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;