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Prevent AzCopy.exe when destination folder exists already

Is there an AzCopy parameter to ensure the destination folder is empty?

If not, how should I check to ensure the folder is empty in a VSTS build pipeline?


  • What's your destination for the transfer, is it Blob or Local file?

    If it's blob, use following script can check if the folder if empty

    $ctx=New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $key
    $blob = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $containerName -Prefix dir1/dir2/ -Context $ctx -MaxCount 1
    if ($blob -eq $null)
        # container/dir1/dir2/ Don't have blob, so do AzCopy transfer

    If it's localfile, using following script:

    $file = Get-ChildItem c:\dir1\dir2\
    if ($file -eq $null)
        # c:\dir1\dir2\ Don't have file, so do AzCopy transfer