I have a Xamarin iOS app where I am presenting several modals one after the other.
Modal1 -> Modal2 -> Modal3 -> etc.
I would like to control and move all of their Frames. Is there any way that I can access all the modals that I have presented?
I tried something like:
var rootView = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentedViewController;
foreach (UIView v in rootView)
//some code
Any tips would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Try to use the following code :
public void GetAllMoadlViewController ()
UIViewController presentViewController = this.PresentingViewController;
UIViewController lastVC = this;
// One by one to get all ModalViewController that you present
var temp = presentViewController;
presentViewController = presentViewController.PresentingViewController;
lastVC = temp;
//do some thing you want