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window.getSelection add class to selection with jquery

I want to select an image and a add a class name to the selection. using window.getSelection.

function addClassName() {
     var sel = window.getSelection();
     //what goes here???

<input type='button' onclick='addClassName();' value='addClassName'/>


  • To add class to selection, you need to wrap it with <span> other wise it will not work. Here's the solution.

        function addClassToSelection(){
        var sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange(); // FF : IE
        if(sel.getRangeAt){ // thats for FF
        var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
        var newNode = document.createElement("span");
        newNode.setAttribute('class', 'someclass');
        } else { //and thats for IE7
        sel.pasteHTML('<span class="someclass">'+sel.htmlText+'</span>');

    This should guide you in the proper direction. Modify it as you see fit.

    Check working example at