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How to edit text in a span or div through summernote field

I have two buttons one is Edit and Save. I have a div or span so onclick of edit button I want to convert the span or div in to a summernote editor and onclick Save it will save the data to same div and will remove the summernote editor.

I did not find any helpful information from summernote website, please suggest the right method.

enter image description here


  • Summernote does provide a clear example to fullfil your needs, you may find it here.

    var edit = function() {
      $('.click2edit').summernote({focus: true});
    var save = function() {
      var markup = $('.click2edit').summernote('code');
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <!-- include summernote css/js-->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> 
    <script src=""></script>
    <button id="edit" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="edit()" type="button">Show Edit Mode</button>
    <button id="save" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="save()" type="button">Hide Edit Mode</button>
    <div class="click2edit">click2edit</div>