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Javascript prototypes comparision giving not expected results

I was trying to understand javascript prototype inheritance in This Link

Then started trying below experiments on prototypes assignment for inheritance,

function Person() {} = function() {};

function Employee() {}

function Student() {}

Employee.prototype = new Person();
Student.prototype = new Person();

emp = new Employee();
stu = new Student();

console.log("Person Object Equal : " + (new Person() == new Person()));
console.log("Emp and Stu Prototype Equal : " + (Employee.prototype == Student.prototype));
console.log("Emp and Stu Object Prototype Equal : " + (emp.prototype == stu.prototype));
console.log("Emp and Stu Object Equal : " + (emp == stu));

If Class variables Employee.prototype==Student.prototype is returning false, then how Object variables emp.prototype==stu.prototype is returning true?

I was thinking that emp.prototype==stu.prototype will also return false as they would be pointing to the same prototypes as its class functions.

Can somebody please explain whats exactly the logic behind this? Maybe I am missing some point here..?

You can copy above code and run for testing in the Same Link provided above.


  • The reason that third check returns true is simply that stu.prototype and emp.prototype are both undefined. .prototype is a property that exists on the constructor function; it does not exist on the object created by newing that constructor.

    emp does have a emp.__proto__ property, but this is deprecated and you shouldn't access it directly. emp.__proto__ === Employee.prototype will return true. The non-deprecated approach for accessing the prototype would be Object.getPrototypeOf(emp), though even that you'll rarely have reason to use.