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Transpose Table with 'colspan' and 'rowspan' Attribute

I'm trying to transpose a table that has cells with the rowspan and cellspan attributes. I've tried examples (here and here) that transpose tables, but they don't account for the cell size - therefore the rows and columns end up being too long or too short.

How can I transpose my table and ensure it remains rectangular.

This is my html for the table.

table tr:first-child {
  color: #FFFFFF;
  background-color: #639187;

table tr td:first-child {
  color: #FFFFFF;
  background-color: #639187;
<table cellspacing="0" border="1">
      <td colspan="1">9:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">9:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">9:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">9:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">10:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">10:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">10:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">10:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">11:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">11:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">11:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">11:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">12:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">12:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">12:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">12:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">13:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">13:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">13:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">13:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">14:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">14:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">14:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">14:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">15:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">15:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">15:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">15:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">16:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">16:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">16:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">16:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">17:00</td>
      <td colspan="1">17:15</td>
      <td colspan="1">17:30</td>
      <td colspan="1">17:45</td>
      <td colspan="1">18:00</td>

      <td rowspan="1">Madrid</td>
      <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
      <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
      <td rowspan="1">London</td>
      <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
      <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
      <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
      <td rowspan="1">Paris</td>
      <td colspan="12" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>
      <td colspan="4" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>


  • I found this a nice challenge to do using plain old JavaScript. It differs enough from a previous question that I don't think it's a duplicate. Note that the code below works only for rowspans in the original table; the logic should be adaptable for colspans however.

    It also doesn't take into account headers (theads or ths) or footers (tfooters). I don't think it would be horribly difficult to account for them.

    I've added comments to the code below for guidance, but please do ask any questions you might have.

    const transpose = m => m[0].map((x, i) => => x[i]));
    const table = document.getElementById("transposed");
    const rows = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll("tr"));
    const totalRowCount = rows.length;
    // First, create an array of the rows and within each element, 
    // an array of the cells; easier to deal with than NodeLists.
    // This could be done more cleverly with map or reduce, but
    // I like good old fashioned for loops.
    const m = new Array(totalRowCount); 
    for (let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) {
      const row = rows[r];
      const cells = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll("td"));
      m[r] = [];
      for (let c = 0; c < cells.length; c++) {
        const cell = cells[c];
        let rowspan = cell.getAttribute("rowspan");
        let colspan = cell.getAttribute("colspan");
        rowspan = rowspan && parseInt(rowspan, 10);
        colspan = colspan && parseInt(colspan, 10);
        // Note that I'm swapping colspan and rowspan here in the
        // cells of my array. I could do this after transposition,
        // but felt like doing it here.
        // Note also that unlike in the duplicate question, I
        // default the attribute to 1 rather than 0. I found that
        // some browsers get messed up with spanning 0 rows/columns.
        cell.setAttribute("colspan", rowspan || 1);
        cell.setAttribute("rowspan", colspan || 1);
        // I'm using a temporary object here to make it easier to
        // access information about the cell later on, without adding
        // that information to the DOM.
          element: cell,
          index: c,
          rowspan: rowspan || 0,
          colspan: colspan || 0
    // Now m contains an array of arrays. Each of the 4 elements
    // in the topmost array contains a different number of elements.
    // The elements are objects containing the <td>, its index in 
    // the row and the rowspan and colspan for that cell.
    // So, we'll build another array of arrays, this time with 
    // objects to represent the cells that are spanned.
    let rowsToSpan = 0;
    let colsToSpan = 0;
    let cellsToInject = new Array(m.length);
    for (let r = 0; r < m.length; r++) {
      let colSpannedCells = m[r].filter(c => c.colspan && c.colspan > 1);
      cellsToInject[r] = new Array(colSpannedCells.length);
      for (let c = 0; c < colSpannedCells.length; c++) {
        let cell = colSpannedCells[c];
          index: cell.index,
          cells: new Array(cell.colspan - 1)
    // Now we have an array of arrays of the cells we want to inject, so we iterate 
    // over them, splicing the "empty" cells into the array.
    var r = 0;
    // One might wonder why I'm using for..of here, where I didn't previously; good 
    // question. :) I was playing around with performance (hence the console.time() and
    // console.timeEnd()) and wanted to see the effect. This would work just as well
    // with a normal for loop. 
    for (let row of cellsToInject) {
      if (row && row.length) {
        var injectIndex = 0;
        var injectCount = 0;
        for (let col of row) {
          if (col && col.cells.length) {
              element: null,
              rowspan: null,
              colspan: null
            // The trick here is to ensure we're taking account of previously
            // injected cells to ensure the new set of cells are injected in
            // the correct place.
            injectIndex = col.index + injectCount + 1;
            Array.prototype.splice.apply(m[r], [injectIndex, 0, ...col.cells])
            // Keeping a running tally of the number of cells injected helps.
            injectCount += col.cells.length;
    // Now m is an array of arrays, with each element in the topmost
    // array having an equal number of elements. This makes the transposition
    // work better.
    const transposed = transpose(m);
    // Now we remove the tbody and inject our own.
    let tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
    // Just iterate over the transposed array, creating a row for each
    // element, and iterate over the nested array, adding the element
    // for each (where present) back in.
    for (let rw of transposed) {
      const row = document.createElement("tr");
      for (let ce of rw) {
        if (ce && ce.element) {
    table tr:first-child {
      color: #FFFFFF;
      background-color: #639187;
    table tr td:first-child {
      color: #FFFFFF;
      background-color: #639187;
    <table cellspacing="0" border="1" id="not-transposed">
          <td colspan="1">9:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">18:00</td>
          <td rowspan="1">Madrid</td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td rowspan="1">London</td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td rowspan="1">Paris</td>
          <td colspan="12" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>
          <td colspan="4" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>
    <table cellspacing="0" border="1" id="transposed">
          <td colspan="1">9:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">9:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">10:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">11:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">12:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">13:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">14:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">15:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">16:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:00</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:15</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:30</td>
          <td colspan="1">17:45</td>
          <td colspan="1">18:00</td>
          <td rowspan="1">Madrid</td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td rowspan="1">London</td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);" colspan="4" rowspan="1"></td>
          <td rowspan="1">Paris</td>
          <td colspan="12" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>
          <td colspan="4" rowspan="1" style="background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204);"></td>

    Note: transpose comes from this answer to Transposing a 2D-array in JavaScript by Mahdi Jadaliha.