I have an HTML table with 5 rows; each row has two cells (title, main-content).
I wanted to add :before
automatic numbering to the rows with this CSS:
.view-my-book .views-field-title {counter-reset: item}
.view-my-book .views-field-title:before {content: counter(item) " ";
It works in the sense that each row is numbered
The numbering starts from 0* (Zero-Based-Index) while I want to it to start from 1 (One Based Index / OBI); for example I have 5 rows 0-4.
How to one-base-index with CSS (assuming it is possible)?
alone resets a counter to 0, as you can see in the docs. If you want to set it to a different number, you can put a number after the counter name, for example:
.view-my-book .views-field-title {
counter-reset: item 1