My web project serves static web pages and scripts. There is no preprocessing done at all. All changes are done in the client.
It has a main page that lists some other pages. When the user clicks a link, jQuery-UI will load the associated HTML page and any linked Javascript/CSS files.
This works great, and gives us flexibility to add/remove new pages with ease. The problem is when we want to debug the loaded JS and the browser appears not to know about it.
Took me a while to find out about Source Maps, and then find out they are all geared towards framework projects like Angular and React.
We don't want that in this project. Just basic HTML & JS that we can plug in and reload. I realize we may need to run an external command to generate the source maps, but it must be a free standing tool - no NPM or frameworks.
It's an internal web project, so security/privacy is not a concern. We want the clients to see the source code if they need to.
I know there are a lot of Questions about JS source maps, but every single one that I've found assumes using some framework tools. We have no framework and do not want one in this project.
Any suggestions on how we can generate the source maps we need, or do you know of any alternative to debug simple JS loaded via jQuery?
First and foremost, you do not need to use Angular/React for sourcemaps to work. These are just a common use case.
Secondly, NPM is exactly what it says it is; a package manager. So you don't need NPM either.
What you need is a build process. You're quite clear that you don't want to minify the js, but you do want sourcemaps. This is a common configuration used to debug js, and is typically accomplished by "building" or "Uglifying" the code with all of the optimizations disabled.
You could likely avoid NPM entirely if you were willing to use the Closure Compiler, but that is a can of worms and I'd suggest you avoid.
Instead I suggest using installing Uglify* globally* (per dev machine) with NPM. This is a "once per machine" step.
npm install uglify-js -g
*: Hopefully this side steps your NPM-less requirement. I did experiment with cloning the Uglify repo directly, but even then you'd need to get it running, and to do that, at a minimum, you'd want to install its dependencies with NPM). I'd love to be proven wrong about this, but I figured it was very unrelated to this post.
And then writing a build script using that. I've attempted to gather the parts for you here:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
uglifyjs file1.js --config-file gen-map.json \
-o file1.min.js \
--source-map "root='',url=''"
cat file1.min.js
File: gen-map.json
"compress": false,
"output": {
"beautify": true
"sourceMap": {
"content": "content from",
"url": ""
File: file1.js
var b = function() {
function c() {
(function() {
File: file1.min.js
var b = function() {
function c() {
(function() {
*: Uglify-es if you're using ES6 features.
After that the only thing left to do would be to update the paths, filenames, and actual script tags. Using this config you must still serve the min.js file, although it seems possible that manually tagging your JS file to point to the map might work...
With this config, you'll need to keep your built files up to date by running:
🐚 ./
Doing this with npm and gulp would be simpler, but, if you don't mind another package, there are 2 generic "files been changed watchers" that I can suggest;
🐚 nodemon
🐚 entr