More details :
I have a component called header
inside I have a menu, when I'm in mobile device I have a burger menu.
When I clicked on this burger menu, I set a state at true
and the menu become open, when I clicked on a cross, the state become false
and the menu is close.
Now the problem :
If I change component is save always the previous state, If menu it's open and click on home
for example, the state it's actually at true
and in my home the menu it's open, and I don't want this comportement.
Do you have some advice ?
Look the code :
export const setBurgerMenu = createAction(
() => ({})
export const getBurgerMenu = () => {
return dispatch => {
// Initial state contain isOpenMenu at false
const reducer = handleActions({
[SET_BURGER_MENU]: (state) => {
return {
isOpenMenu: !state.isOpenMenu
return {
isWillUpdate: true
return {
isWillUpdate: false
[CLEAR_USER_DATA]: () => {
return {
}, initialState);
You could use the componentWillUnmount
or the componentWillMount
methods on the components
Using componentWillUnmount
on first component:
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.props.isMenuOpen) this.props.setBurgerMenu()
Using componentWillMount
on second component:
componentWillMount() {
if (this.props.isMenuOpen) this.props.setBurgerMenu()