Looking at the ExUnit documentation, you can add properties to the context
struct with the following pattern:
defmodule KVTest do
use ExUnit.Case
setup do
{:ok, pid} = KV.start_link
{:ok, pid: pid}
# "[pid: pid]" also appears to work...
test "stores key-value pairs", context do
assert KV.put(context[:pid], :hello, :world) == :ok
assert KV.get(context[:pid], :hello) == :world
# "context.pid" also appears to work...
But when using describe
macro blocks, you're encouraged to use the following form to provide setup functions for your tests:
defmodule UserManagementTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
describe "when user is logged in and is an admin" do
setup [:log_user_in, :set_type_to_admin]
test ...
describe "when user is logged in and is a manager" do
setup [:log_user_in, :set_type_to_manager]
test ...
defp log_user_in(context) do
# ...
Which works well, but there's no mention of how to add new properties to the context struct to use in tests, when using the describe
macro and named setups.
So far, I've tried (quick summary):
describe "when user is logged in and is a manager" do
setup [:test]
test(context) do
IO.puts("#{ inspect context }") # Comes up as 'nil'
defp test(context) do
[test: "HALLO"]
Is it actually possible to manipulate the test suite context when creating setup functions for describe blocks in this way?
You're doing the setup part correctly. The named setup functions take the context as a parameter and their return is automatically merged into the context. So you actually already have the :test
key available for your tests.
You just need to grab the context in your tests as a second argument, like this:
describe "when user is logged in and is a manager" do
setup [:test]
test "does the right thing", context do
IO.inspect(context) # Will not come up as nil
But, more interestingly, you can use pattern matching to grab the exact keys you want from the context:
describe "when user is logged in and is a manager" do
setup [:test]
test "does the right thing", %{test: test} do
IO.inspect(test) # "HALLO"