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File cannot be validated as the XML Definition, How to fix faces-config.xml warning?

Lately when I bring up my on-server Working Set in Domino Designer (Release 9.0.1FP10 SHF68), I've been met with new error and warning messages.

The file cannot be validated as the XML definition "C:\Notes\Data\workspace\myserver\dev_5csandbox.nsf\WebContent\WEB-INF\faces-config.xml (The system cannot find the path specified.)" that is specified as describing the syntax of the file cannot be located.

I look at the Faces-config and see this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><faces-config>
  <!--AUTOGEN-START-BUILDER: Automatically generated by IBM Domino Designer. Do not modify.-->
  <!--AUTOGEN-END-BUILDER: End of automatically generated section-->

with a yellow exclamation warning icon beside line 1. Location unknown.

I know it's an XML Problem warning but there's an error saying

"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF does not exist"

that comes and disappears beforehand, along with a slew of 10 warnings to do with it.

Eclipse-LazyStart header is deprecated, use 'Bundle-ActivationPolicy'

also show up. All except one, are Plug-in Problem types (Resource: plugin.xml)

I'm not sure what to do about this, can someone shed a little light on this and point me in the right direction?

enter image description here


  • @Per Henrik Lausten had the right idea: Reinstall. So I did and upgraded to SHF252 while I was at it.

    No more mysterious Manifest errors.