I'm trying to link my @font-face to my font folder (assets/fonts) on a project created by vue cli 3 with vue 2
font-family: 'NeuzeitGroteskBold'
src: url($font-path + 'NeuzeitGroteskBold/neuzeitgro-bol-webfont.eot')
src: url($font-path + 'NeuzeitGroteskBold/neuzeitgro-bol-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url($font-path + 'NeuzeitGroteskBold/neuzeitgro-bol-webfont.woff2') format('font-woff2'),
url($font-path + 'NeuzeitGroteskBold/neuzeitgro-bol-webfont.woff') format('font-woff'),
url($font-path + 'NeuzeitGroteskBold/neuzeitgro-bol-webfont.ttf') format('font-truetype')
font-weight: normal
font-style: normal
@charset "utf-8"
$font-path: '~@/assets/fonts/'
@import 'utilities/all'
I already tried ../../fonts or assets/fonts, to put it in the public folder or with font-url but nothing worked...
I have no error message, fonts are just not working
Ok it's because the format('font-woff')
that is use to fix another bug is not correct
It's working with format('woff')