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Extract Regex Values (Regex Match) in Blue Prism

In Blue Prism, I need to identify specific elements of a Data Item (text), in order to use the information later in my process.

The text string reads:

REKVISITION_NR: 1234567 Dato: 23-07-2018 Rekvirent: ABC, DEF GHI, JKL 60, 8600 MNO Sted: JKL 60, 8600 MNO, Kl.:14:00:00, Bestilt_tid: 60 min Tolkensnavn: PQR STU Koert_fra: VXY , 8600 Silkeborg Vedr.: Z CPR: 123456-7890 Sprog: Arabisk Type: Personlig fremmøde Godkendt: 24-07-2018

As you can see, each element has these traits (e.g. Kl.:14:00:00 or Sprog: Arabisk):

  • A string name (starting with an uppercase letter)
  • Optionally, a period character (.)
  • A colon character (:)
  • Optionally, a space character ( )
  • The value part of the string
  • A space character ( ), which is followed by the next element.

I believe I should use the Business Object Utility - Strings' action Extract Regex Values, but have not sucessfully been able to match any data that can be copied into the Named Values-collection. However, I have found that ([A-Z])\w+\.?: ?(\w(\d\-){0,3})+ brings me some of the way in terms of matching. I want the solution to copy the field names and values into the Named Values collection generated by the action.

Final notes: I am using Blue Prism 6.2.1, and the action's underlying code is based on's Regex.Match method.


  • What you seem to be missing are the actual Named Groups. To capture the values in a Blue Prism collection, you need to make sure that you assign proper group names like this:


    Here's the regex pattern that you may use, although you need to verify if it really works for your case in all possible scenarios.


    You can also check and test it here.

    EDIT: But please be aware that Blue Prism's original code for extracting multiple values to a collection is barely usable, you may be better off at modifying it or creating your own. For example, what I would expect from such an action is a collection where each row will be a pattern match, with each column being a named group. Sadly, that's not how the default action works.

    EDIT: enter image description here