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incorrect console output in different projects at same machine

I've spent almost 3 days to find out why in a big project the output of

System.out.println( "你好" );

is shown as "??" and in another project built-from-scratch it is shown as "你好".

I am using IntellijIdea, BUT the same thing happens to me while running it from a jar-file using

java -jar ...

The only two differences between those 2 project is in build system: first one uses gradle and second one uses none (just a simple project). The second difference is about output of the following code

     System.out.println("Charset.defaultCharset=" + 

The first one types "Charset.defaultCharset=windows-1252", second one "Charset.defaultCharset=UTF-8"

Well, I HAVE read about:

  1. the encoding in IntellijIdea, all settings between 2 projects are the same (Settings → File Encoding → Project Encoding → IDE Encoding)

  2. About the encoding of file setting in the right lower corner in Idea

  3. Tried -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 and then -Dconsole.encoding=UTF-8 in debug configurations for all gradle instances
  4. in cmd console did

    set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dconsole.encoding=UTF8
    set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8
  5. Played with gradle properties in

  6. changed the the coding in command prompt via

    chcp  65001

Those efforts bring me to nothing. Any ideas ?

BTW THERE IS almost the same question but with no answer. I cannot write there cause of low reputation Intellij Idea incorrect encoding in console output

the picture with settings in project that don't correctly display the output


  • Well, finally i've got it!

    Navigate to Help -> Edit Custom VM Options...

    enter image description here

    Add those ones:


    Restart idea completely.