so I've looked around quite a bit now and wasn't able to find quite the use case I think I am confronted with.
For some background: I'm fairly new to JavaScript and have never had to call any other program/script from it. Now I did develop a Python script that pulls some data from online sources, formats it and dumps it into JSON files. In order to display this data in a proper way I figured I would use Electron.
While handling the JSON files is completely fine (would be quite sad if it wasn't I guess), I need to be able to call the Python script updating the data from my Electron UI. As everything is local, I hoped, that there would be an easier way, than setting up some server for the Python script to run on, just to be able to trigger its execution from my Desktop App. This is especially true, as I don't even need to get or process any returns, I just want to trigger the execution of that script.
So the question now is: is there such an "easy" way to execute Python scripts from an Electron/JavaScript based locally saved Desktop app?
Thanks in advance for any answers!
Like a previous commenter mentioned, you should be able to follow this SO answer in Node.js (which is what Electron uses).
To expound upon that answer just a bit, I'd recommend using the built-in Python JSON utility to dump JSON to the standard out (just printing out the JSON string), and the using the built-in Node.js JSON utility to parse that JSON string into a javascript object for use in your application.