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Print every record of loop in a separate page in ajax success

How to print every record of loop in a separate page, While getting data through ajax and PHP in array. i.e I want row1 data in every page, And row2 data every record in a separate page. Trying the following script, not giving the desired result.

var response = {
row1: [{group: 'Group A'}],
  row2: [
    {team: 'Team A', player: 'Jema', result: 43},
    {team: 'Team B', player: 'Deno', result: 34},
    {team: 'Team B', player: 'Niob', result: 56},
    {team: 'Team B', player: 'Skion', result: 49},


        var cats = {};
        response.row2.forEach(function(element) {
            cats[] = cats[] || [];

        Object.keys(cats).forEach(function(team) {
            let html = '';
            html = '<tr>';
            html += '<td>' + team + '</td>';
            html += '</tr>';

            // Loop through the results for this category
            cats[team].forEach(function(element) {
                var names = element.player;
                var result = element.result;

                html = '<tr>';
                html += '<td>' + names + '</td>';
                html += '<td><input type="text" value="' + result + '"></td>';
                html += '</tr>';

            // Append the textarea at the end of the results
            html = '<tr>';
            html += '<td><textarea placeholder="textarea..."></textarea></td>';
            html += '</tr>';
       var PrintThis = document.getElementById('print');
				var PrintStyle = '<style type="text/css">' + 
									'@media print{' +
									'.Break { page-break-after: always }' +
									'}' +
				PrintStyle += PrintThis.innerHTML;
				myWin ="");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="print">
<h1 id="group">
   <table class="table bordered">

JSFIDDLE of current output


  • See this example there is a break made in a div. It works at least in chrome Version 64.0.3282.167 and Firefox V 61.0.1. The problem is this: it works in firefox but not in chrome. It seems that chrome does not break tables. So my recommendation is to do different tables and put a div in the middle with a break, like this

    Also you are adding this: .Break { page-break-after: always } (.break is better) which is correct to separate pages, but you don't have any element with that class. My suggestion is that you should add class="break" (both in lowercase is better) in the last element you want in the page, in this case, I think is this:

     html = '<tr class="break">';
     html += '<td><textarea placeholder="textarea..."></textarea></td>';
     html += '</tr>';

    This does not work in chrome. My suggestion: