I have a table which holds different persons. Now the user can select a set of persons (say Tom Dick & Harry) and group them into a new "team". In the backend i would need to update Tom, Dick & Harry and add a team-id to their team_field.
name: "Tom",
age: 12,
team_id: id_for_team_1
But since team_1 did not exist before the user selected Tom,Dick & Harry and created the team, I do not yet have an id for team1.
I need this first it seems:
_id: id_for_team_1
team_name: "Team Cool"
team_color: "blue"
How would I solve this in the front-end?
My idea: Make a request to the backend to create the team on the server, get the team_id back from the backend, and then add the id to to Tom, Dick & Harry and then send their updates profiles to the backend?
But: is this the simplest approach I could take, or are there better ways to solve this? It seems complicated. Ideally, I would like to just update everything in the front-end, that is, create a team object + update profiles, and then send it all to the server in one go. But I don't know how I could do this, since I seem to be dependent on mongodbs ids and cannot just make up my own in the frontend.
In case you just want to update the teams they belong you can just in one call sending a list of userIds, and the backend can then create a new team and also update the team_id. Pseudocode:
1) POST /api/team
2) let userIds = req.body.userIds
3) newTeamId = Create a new team in Mongo and get its id
4) for(uid in userIds){
user = Mongo.find(id : uid);
user.teamId = newTeamId
If you also want to be able to update users information, I would create 2 API methods, one for updating the user profile and another to manage the teams.