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ExtJS : Widget Combo resets value for all fields when i click on expand

I am using a treePanel in which one column is using widgetColumn with combo inside cell.

Below is sample code.

    text: 'TC',
    dataIndex: 'scrTC',
    xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
    widget: {
        xtype: 'combo',
        store: 'TCStore',
        valueField: 'value',
        displayField: 'displayValue',
        matchFieldWidth: false,

When I change values of combo for few rows & then expand the other children in grid all combo value a reset to default value again.Not sure whats the issue here.

Code for store :

Ext.define('TC', {
    extend: '',
    storeId: 'TCStore',
    model: 'CommonModel',
    autoLoad: true,

    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: 'resources/data/tree/TC.json'

Screenshot of treepanel:

Screenshot of treepanel

When I click on another children node, example 3 or 4 it resets the value for all combo in all rows.

Thanks for help.

Code changes after the below answer, which gives the getRecord undefined error.

Ext.define('MyTree', {
    extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
    reference: 'myTree',
    columns: {

                text: 'TC',
                dataIndex: 'scrTC',
                xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
                widget: {
                    xtype: 'combo',
                    store: 'TCStore',
                    valueField: 'value',
                    displayField: 'displayValue',
                    matchFieldWidth: false,
                    listeners: {
                        change: function (combo) {
                            if (combo.hasFocus) {
                                var treeview = combo.up('myTree'), //myTree is reference of my treepanel
                                    record = treeview.getRecord(combo.el.up('tr')); ///getting error here
                                record.set('scrTC', combo.getValue());


  • I have found solution,

    select: function (combobox, record) {

    this resolves my issue.