Hi in our app we have a reducer pattern:
data: //here we have our actual data
fetching: // is it still fetching
intact: // has it been 'touched'
error: //errors if need be
furthermore due to business demand I need to persist a ReduxForm which is its own can of worms...
form: {
Foobar: {
values: {
initial: {
syncErrors: {
registeredFields: {
it is as you may have figured out is pointless to persist anything but data, but Redux-Persist persists the entire reducer. The examples on filtering and transformation is a bit... lackluster in my feel and I have been strugling to implement. Looking for an example
Ok so this works using redux-persist-transform-filter like @NickHTTPS sugested:
import createFilter from 'redux-persist-transform-filter';
const saveSubsetFilter = createFilter('form', ['Foo.bar']);
const persistConfig = {
key: 'form',
whitelist: ['form'],
transforms: [saveSubsetFilter]
persistCombineReducers(persistConfig, { form: formReducer });
works like a charm :)